A Certain Magical Index Episode 3 English Dub
Anime / Memes - TV Tropes. Since most anime- viewers are big nerds, there are naturally going to be a lot of anime- inspired Internet memes. Further mutations and successor memes, if any. Mispronouncing/misspelling Araragi's name, usually by adding more . If called out on it, they will respond .
Torrent anonymously with torrshield encrypted vpn pay with bitcoin. A few episodes into Tiger & Bunny, a couple of fans noticed that Kotetsu's goatee looked, shall we say, adorable. And thus the legendary catbeard was born.
Brushing teeth! Often brought up as the height of the Monogatari series's weirdness. Kaiki is best girl note Due to Kaiki's awesome role in Koimonogatari, his popularity increased greatly, generating him a great legion of fans, with many of them calling him . Spooky Ougi note Describing Ougi as such became very popular, particularly around Owarimonogatari's release, due to her bizarre character design and odd mannerisms. Spawned countless imitations involving characters from Haruhi or other anime - and is now more emblematic of Haruhi than anything that actually appeared in the show. Watch Under Capricorn Putlocker#. And then official Haruhi staff made a series off of it for You. Tube, much to the chagrin of the Unpleasable Fanbase, was referenced in the live concert for the show by Taniguchi's voice actor, Minoru Shiraishi, who proclaimed !
Smoked cheese! Explanation Summarising both Itsuki's habit of invading Kyon's personal space and Kyon's in and out of universe status as a sex god. Everything makes Mikuru cry. Explanation There are videos where the clip of Mikuru's crying is placed after random other clips, such as L and his potato chip, or Knuckles claiming that they're not buddies.
Haruhiism. Explanation Haruhi's Reality Warper status made Itsuki speculate that Haruhi is actually God. Note on just . The line has since become synonymous with Endless Eight, often repeated (multiple times) whenever someone brings up those episodes. Quickly became an Ascended Meme as Taniguchi's voice actor, Minoru Shiraishi, references it where ever he can, from his role in Lucky Star, to even reenacting the scene when announcing the ''Haruhi'' live concert! Everybody got on his case for his grammatical error but eventually turned it around to have fun with it. Remember kids, you should tell your friends if you shoot kids for fun. Explanation A certain fansub is famous for their comments at each break picture. Explanation A nonsense word that Rika often says.
Sometimes this gets taken a little too far and she'll snatch up some poor soul and carry her off like a kidnapper. Do you know Oyashiro- Sama? Yes, Hinamizawa. I kill you, you kill me. No, Hinamizawa! Explanation Said in Ooishi and Keiichi's Engrish Rap.
Explanation A line commonly used in the anime meaning . ANY Evil Laugh in the series will get this. Not only are there a bunch of loop videos of the girls just laughing for ten minutes, there are a bunch of remixes of their laughs, too. White Devil Explanation Nanoha's Fan Nickname, from a line when Vita refers to her as .

Also a reference to Mobile Suit Gundam, where Amuro Ray has this nickname in- universe. Play. Station Vita. Explanation The fact that Sony named their recent handheld . Explanation Subaru's behaviour around Nanoha and Teana has led to her portrayal as a yuri maniac.
Nanaka 6/17 ( The following is a list of characters from the light novel, manga and anime series, A Certain Magical Index, and its side-story manga and anime series, A Certain.
Befriending. Explanation Nanoha's practice of making friends of those that survive her attacks is another of her defining characteristics, the term used as a synonym for . This has reached the point where if it involves making friends, Nanoha becomes a Memetic Badass who could make Chuck Norris wet himself. This naturally makes one wonder, if this is how she treats people she wants to be friends with, what would she be capable of against someone for whom she really wanted to bring the pain. Explanation Erio was once the only male of any significance in the entire series, everyone else very minor or Demoted to Extra, and this was the result.

Oh, and it's canon. And thus the legendary catbeard was born. Altering famous Batman comic panels. And X again! Since episode 1.
Keith Goodman/Sky High's incredibly obvious status as a clueless virgin. The 4th drama CD has only encouraged them. Stop doing this to us.
Nobody quite expected that sales spike in Kotetsu alleged cologne). Thus, the fandom curses Sunrise's name every time they come up with a new toy or T- shirt to sell. Things haven't been the same since.
Sold out in X seconds Explanation There's been a notorious tendency for T& B figurines to not only sell instantly after preorders open, but actually crash the sites they're sold on from the surge in orders. No T& B thread on /a/ ends without this question asked. After unwittingly winning the affection of not one but threetsundere (Karina, Barnaby and his own wife, Tomoe), the fandom has concluded that Kotetsu has magical tsundere- attracting powers. Jut out your hips more.
After the twenty fourth episode (wherein Barnaby confesses that he's been learning how to make Kotetsu's Trademark Favorite Food, among other things, while begging him not to die), Kotetsu's preoccupation with fried rice didn't just become a meme - it became an international event Being Bison is suffering. Explanation The writers - head writer Nishida, in particular - have admitted that they're pretty fond of Antonio/Rock Bison - a fondness that paradoxically drives them to relentlessly screw with him.
The phrasing is a reference to the . His Catch Phrase become emblematic of the series, even now that he has revealed himself to actually be Canadian.
My hair is now an internet phenomenon! Pegasus and Bakura play children's card games the manly way.. Explanation Another line made popular by The Abridged Series. Hiroto Honda / . A Trope Namer, with many permutations. Screw The Rules, I Have Green Hair! Explanation Yet another line made popular by The Abridged Series.
CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!!!!! Explanation And yet another line made popular by The Abridged Series. IN THREEEEEEEEE DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Explanation And yet another line made popular by The Abridged Series. Sensing a pattern here?
BROOKLYN RAGE! Explanation Abridged Joey's catchphrase of choice. It's now a song. Explanation Abridged Joey's verbal tic. Has now been mocked by multiple characters in the series. Variations include ones in which Yugi fails to draw a monster card, and the inevitable techno- beat remix. Yami is a canon Peachshipper. Explanation A recently growing outlook on how Yami encourages Yugi's crush on Anzu.
Yu- Gi- Oh!: Bonds Beyond Time: . Explanation A store in the background of the Crashtown ark is called this. Cue lots of jokes about what that store actually is (Is shown in this video.) Super Saiyan Yuma. Explanation Yuma and Astral's ZEXAL forms look just like Super Saiyan forms. Upon the announcement of Yu- Gi- Oh! ARC- V, people have associated the protagonist Yuya Sakaki with tomatoes because of his red and green hair.
Explanation Throughout DM and GX, characters would often explain what Pot of Greed (one of the most basic and commonly- played cards in the game) does. Given that it got played in over a hundred episodes, the regular explanations quickly stuck into people's heads. This led to people making jokes about either being completely baffled by its simple effect, or randomly screaming ! Explanation The way Durbe pronounces . It's time to D- D- D- D- D- D- D- D- D- DUEL!
Over time, this started to get snowcloned into . Referring to the Japanese language as . Explanation A reference to the fact that most Western fans of Japanese works cannot speak or read Japanese, so the Japanese language may as well be .
Cue derivations of this scene starring every shipping fandom in existence, straight, Ho Yay, Cargo and everything in between. Watching something for the plot. Plot means fanservice, in case you couldn't tell. If only Kircheis were here.
Explanation Siegfried Kircheis's death is much lamented by the characters of Legend of Galactic Heroes, and he is more influential and well- developed in death than in life. Explanation Suiseiseki's Verbal Tic. Even though this is a fairly common speech pattern in lots of characters it became highly associated with her.