Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 2 Watch Online
Season 2 (Video Game) . You may be looking for the second season of the Original TV Series or the second season of the Companion TV Series. The Walking Dead: Season Two. Season 2, retitled The Walking Dead: Season Two, is the second set of episodes for Telltale Games' award- winning The Walking Dead and the successor of Season 1.
It was confirmed by Telltale Games in July 2. If you haven’t played . It was also released for Play. Station Vita on April 2.
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North America and on April 2. Europe. Petty. Eric Stirpe. July 2. 2, 2. 01. PC, PS3, Vita)July 2. X3. 60, PS3)July 2. OS)October 2. 1, 2.
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PS4, XONE)5. Stopping at a public restroom next to Gil's Pitstop, the trio discuss the name of Christa's unborn child before deciding to clean up. After heading into the female restroom, Clementine puts her gun down and begins to clean herself up but accidentally drops her bottle of water and heads into a stall to retrieve it. After retrieving it, she hears someone coming in.
Having left her gun by the sink, Clementine stays in the stall as the stranger, Michelle, retrieves the weapon. However, Clementine accidentally makes a noise, causing Michelle to coax her out at gunpoint and demand that Clementine hands over her possessions. Suddenly, Omid enters the room and realizes what is going on.
He takes a stealthy approach and sneaks toward Michelle, but the door closes loudly, causing Michelle's reflexes to turn and shoot, killing Omid. Christa suddenly runs in while Michelle immediately drops the gun and apologizes. Christa ultimately kills her with a shot to the abdomen before cradling Omid's body. Soon Christa heads off to look for more firewood, whilst Clementine's left to tend the fire. Searching through her backpack, she finds the other half of the Everett Family photo of Lee that he had torn off in . Battle Of Los Angeles Full Movie Part 1. After fueling with one of the objects at her disposal or failing to do so, Clementine hears a noise not far from the camp and finds Christa being held at gunpoint by two bandits, who demand to know whether or not there is anyone with her.
Given the option of either sneaking away or throwing a rock at Winston (one of the bandits) in order to distract them, Winston chases after Clementine and attempts to restrain her, though she's able to break free by pushing Winston into the reach of a nearby walker, which then grabs and eventually kills him while Clementine is approached by several other walkers which emerge from the woods. Backing away in fear, Clementine falls into a nearby river and is taken downstream by the current until she passes out. After a brief search around the area, Sam begins to bark at a walker tied to a tree with a knife sticking out of its arm. After Clementine remembers some words Lee told her before his demise, she beats it with a large branch and retrieves the knife which is still sharp. There's also a trash can and, after searching it, Clementine finds a can of beans.
After using the knife to pry open the can, Sam will begin to beg. After a choice to feed him or not, Sam will attack Clementine, biting her on the arm.
After grabbing her knife, a rock, or nothing, Clementine stabs, punches and/or beats Sam multiple times until she successfully kicks him where he is pierced by a metal frame in his torso and hind leg. Clementine has the choice of killing him or leaving him to die. Attempting to flee, she's almost overwhelmed by a walker only to be saved by Luke and Pete, who begin to carry her off.
Suddenly noticing the wound on Clementine's arm, however, Luke initially assumes it to be a walker bite and begins to discuss with Pete over what to do, only for Clementine to tell them that it was a dog bite. Still skeptical, Luke and Pete continue arguing if they should leave her here or not to. Pete eventually decides to give her the benefit of the doubt and take her to their cabin, where she can be seen to by their doctor.
Again exhausted and wounded, Clementine passes out and eventually stirs from consciousness only to wake up as several other people argue over what to do with her. Noticing someone with an uncanny resemblance to Kenny, Clementine is initially surprised and causes the individual, revealed to be Nick, to become startled and accidentally fire off their gun close to Clementine's proximity. After further arguing between the group and herself over the origin of her wound, Clementine is examined by Carlos who's still unable to determine whether or not she was bitten by a walker. Deciding to find the supplies to treat herself, Clementine uses a hammer to break away a board blocking off a hole that leads outside of the shed.
Clementine has a choice to either sneak into the cabin through a gap beneath the patio and making her way inside via a trap door, or tap on a window catching Alvin's attention. She can then persuade Alvin to give her some supplies as well as a juice box. Once inside, you can eavesdrop on the group's meeting, she finds them still unable to decide over what to do with her and heads upstairs to acquire the necessary resources from the various rooms, including a roll of rags from the main bedroom to serve as a makeshift bandage. Whilst in the bathroom, she's able to acquire a needle but is forced to hide after hearing someone approaching, and notices Rebecca in a visibly distressed state, worriedly talking to herself about the identity of her baby before leaving.
Clementine then heads into the other bedroom, only to notice that Sarah is inside and has discovered her. Despite this, she willingly offers her help to Clementine and displays a friendly interest in her, curious as to whether or not she's her friend. Regardless, she offers a bottle of peroxide normally used by her dad to treat her when she's cut to Clementine and asks that she doesn't tell anyone that she helped her. Reaching down to grab it, she's suddenly attacked by a walker which had been attracted by her cries of pain and grabs her by the foot, breaking its way through the hole in the process. Climbing atop her, the walker attempts to bite Clementine in a similar manner that Sandra had attempted to bite Lee in .
Before it is able to pull itself free, Clementine quickly grabs the hammer and begins to bludgeon the walker over the head with it, again shadowing Lee's killing of Sandra in the previous season, just as the others burst into the shed after hearing the noise. Carlos then says Clementine should stay away from his daughter, Sarah. Clementine can either apologise, making Carlos say she's forgiven, or say something else making Carlos say the opposite.
Luke then comes in immediately after Carlos leaves with some food, who appears to have changed his previously skeptical attitude towards her. The two make conversation, where Clementine's given the opportunity to confide in him about her past and mention Lee, including the lessons he passed onto her. Nick soon enters the room to apologise to Clementine for his earlier outburst against her, and if prompted it's revealed by Luke that Nick's mother had been previously killed by a bite victim they had allowed into the group. Nick then leaves while Pete comes in and says something about the place being lit in the middle of the woods making Luke saying it's time to turn in anyways.
Pete also says they're going out to fish in the morning. Rebecca also turns up and warns that Clementine shouldn't get too comfortable around the group.
Nick soon catches up with them and displays annoyance at one particular story being told, though Clementine can attempt to defuse the situation. Arriving at the river, they are met with the sight of several fresh corpses scattered across the banks and Pete briefly mentions that an individual referred as Carver may have been responsible for it, and decides to investigate the scene for any clues as to who is responsible for it. Whilst searching, Clementine discovers her backpack next to one of the bodies and suddenly realizes that the body's still alive, and belongs to one of the bandits who had previously attacked her and Christa.
The Walking Dead: Season 6, Episode 2. In a flashback, Enid’s parents are killed by walkers while trying to jumpstart a car. Locked in the car, Enid cries as walkers devour them outside. Enid wanders the woods alone, foraging for food and killing walkers. She repeatedly traces the letters “JSS” in dirt and dusty windows. Enid eventually stumbles upon Alexandria’s gate. She starts to walk away, but seeing “JSS” scrawled on her arm, changes her mind and goes inside.
In the present, Carol collects ingredients from the pantry. Neudermeyer, also present, once again complains about wanting a fresh pasta maker. Carol snidely comments that Mrs. Neudermeyer should be more concerned about her “disgusting” cigarette habit. Later, Carol sees Sam moping on her porch and brusquely tells him to get over his father’s death. Jessie tries to give Ron a haircut.
He blames her for Pete’s death and is angry that she’s friends with Rick. She defends Rick and reminds Ron that his father was a dangerous man.
Maggie tells Deanna that they have seeds and suggests they start a garden once the town expansion is finished. She urges Deanna - - still in shock over the death of her son and husband - - to lead the community once again. At the infirmary, Eugene and Tara meet Denise, the new doctor. Denise explains that she studied surgery in medical school but switched to psychiatry after having panic attacks. Carl sees Ron and Enid sitting together outside.
Gabriel asks Carl for self- defense lessons. Carl ignores Gabriel, then has a change of heart, inviting him to come by for a machete lesson. From her kitchen, Carol watches Mrs. Neudermeyer smoking outside. Suddenly, a man rushes up and cleaves Mrs. Neudermeyer with a machete. Maggie and Deanna hear a commotion inside the walls, then Maggie sees the Wolves scale the fence and infiltrate the community.
Back inside Alexandria, Carol tells Carl to stay home and guard Judith. At home, Jessie and Sam hear a window break and hide in an upstairs closet. As chaos erupts in the streets, Enid stops by Carl’s house to say goodbye before leaving the community. But Carl convinces her to stay and help protect Judith. Carol watches as the Wolves take prisoners in chains and one Wolf paints a “W” on his forehead with blood. She saves a mortally wounded neighbor from a Wolf then stabs the neighbor through the head.
From the lookout tower, Spencer shoots a cargo truck as it hurtles toward the main gate. The truck crashes into the wall, causing the horn to blare – the same horn that drew the walker herd Daryl, Abraham and Sasha were simultaneously leading away from Alexandria. Spencer tries to get out of the lookout tower to stop the horn, but the door is blocked. One of the Alexandrians, Holly, is rushed to the infirmary. Denise asks Tara to stay behind and stand guard.
Spencer finally reaches the truck but hesitates when he finds a walker inside. Morgan arrives just in time to kill the walker and stop the horn. Sensing Spencer’s fear, Morgan orders him to hide in the truck. Inside the walls, Morgan confronts a Wolf and orders him to leave. Carol, disguised as a Wolf, swoops in and stabs Morgan’s opponent. Morgan angrily tells her they don’t have to kill people. Maggie tells Spencer to keep Deanna safe inside the truck.
Denise panics after discovering that Holly is bleeding internally. Tara and Eugene urge her to overcome her fears and operate on Holly. Carl saves Ron from a Wolf attack and urges Ron to follow him inside the house. But Ron sees Enid standing in the doorway and storms off. Jessie hears Ron arrive home. She emerges from the closet to warn Ron away.
But when she gets downstairs, a Wolf woman attacks her. Jessie grabs a pair of scissors and repeatedly stabs the woman in the chest as Ron looks on. En route to the armory, Morgan leaves Carol to save Gabriel from a Wolf. He spares the attacker’s life.
At the armory, Carol loads a bag with guns. She shows Olivia how to use a gun and instructs her to shoot if anyone comes through the door. Gabriel helps Morgan bind a Wolf. But to Morgan’s dismay, Carol shoots his prisoner and starts distributing guns. Morgan gives his gun to Gabriel.
Meanwhile, Rosita and Aaron kill Wolves who’ve looted a house. Morgan encounters a group of Wolves near the main gate and takes them on with his staff, ordering them to leave. The Wolves flee, but not before one of them grabs a gun on his way out. Morgan shuts the gate behind them.
The Wolves now defeated, Carol stands over Mrs. Neudermeyer’s body and tears up. A shell- shocked Aaron walks down a street littered with bodies. He notices one of the Wolves had the backpack he lost escaping the truck ambush with Daryl.
Aaron finds the photos of Alexandria inside and, horrified, realizes that’s how the Wolves found the community. Back in the infirmary, Holly dies on the operating table. Denise asks Tara, Eugene and Eric for a moment alone. Tara reminds her to destroy Holly’s brain.
Maggie, Deanna, Rosita and Spencer patrol the perimeter. Spencer asks how Rosita is able to live in the face of such despair. She explains that her friends give her something worth dying for. Carl finds a farewell note from Enid: “Just Survive Somehow,” it reads. In a house, Morgan encounters the other Wolf (W- Man) he met in the woods outside Alexandria. The W- Man taunts Morgan for not killing him when he had the chance.
Morgan knocks him unconscious. Later, Morgan and Carol stride down opposite ends of one of Alexandria’s corpse- strewn streets, refusing to acknowledge each other as they pass.