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Nézz sorozatokat - Csinos Kis Hazugságok- The Pretty Little Liars. A sorozat központjában öt lány áll, akik közül az egyikük, Alison egy rejtélyes éjszaka után eltűnik. De a testét nem találják sehol. Egy évvel később a lányok eltávolodtak egymástól, de hirtelen rejtélyes üzeneteket kapnak egy titkos A- tól?
Ki lehet vajon az az A? Alice. 13. 20. 10- 1. Hali! mindenkinek jó szórakozást! Imádom ezt a sorozatot, azt hiszem január végén vagy február elején lesznek új részek, és akkor lemegy az egész első évad. Mindenesetre én nagyon várom már : )) Köszi a feltöltést!
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Kattya. 20. 11- 0. Sziasztok!Én megtaláltam angolul,csak nem tudom új epizódként hozzáadni,mert mindig hibát ír ki.
Egy kicsit lassú. Tiszina. 20. 11- 0. A filmezz eu. hu- n feliratozva is fenn van már,ha érdekel ott meg tudod nézni : )orsoborso. A 2. 1. rész feliratozva.
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Itt mindent megtaláltok a sorozatról,én nagyon szeretem : )cinti. Hali! ezt a sorozatot nem tudná valaki feltenni az oldalra: A férfiak a szőkéket szeretik. Előre is köszi : )lauraa.
O mert az abc family oldalán azt mondják az előzetesben.: (((((((lauraa. OOElena. 07. 03. 20. Sziasztok! Most kezdtem el nézni ezt a sorozatot és szerintem nagyon cool!
Csak egy dolgot nem értek.. Alison ki b*szni a barátnőivel??? Ha egyáltalán tényleg ő küldözgeti az SMS- eket.. Valaki légyszi világosítson fel. Elena. 07. 03. 20. Nagyon jó ez a sorozat!!!!
Imádom! Köszi a feltöltést! USA- ba : Dalmira.
O de az naon király : Dalmira. O de az naon király : Dregi.
D a hivatalos promoba láttam : Dalmira. D sőt, több, ha a feliratozást is beleszámítjuk.
D olyan közel van már, mégis messze. Dkati. 99. 62. 01. Hentex. 20. 11- 1. Szevasztok! De hol a 1. A 1. 4. már fent van !!????? Meseee. 20. 11- 1.
A 1. 4. rész 2. 01. RRx. XKpc. 09cs Elena. Lilla_pll. 20. 11- 1. Szereted a Pretty Little Liars- t?
Jó az angoltudásod? Szeretsz ÉS TUDSZ IS fordítani? Ha a fenti három kérdésre igen a válaszod, akkor mindenképpen küldj egy üzenetet a lilla.
A Alison, A. Alison még él és nem halt meg Alisonnak volt egy ikertestvére és minden nap próbálgatták egymás szerepét, hogy ha valami történik akkor helyet tudjanak cserélni. Alison ikertestvére valami kórházba van vagy nem is tudom, hogy hol és aznap este amikor eltűnt akkor cseréltek helyet és Alison ölte meg az ikertestvérét Alison most ott van ahol az ikertestvére volt. Itt a link akinek jó az angol tudása az olvassa el ezek az infók a könyvbe vannak http: //en.
Pretty_Little_Liars Tuti hogy a soriba is így lesz ki más tudná a személyes titkaikat. Annie- Miley. 20. Sziasztok!! Nem rég kattantam rá erre a sorozatra és nagyon imádom izgalmakban teli és nem folyton ugyanazokat a szálakat boncolgatják ami külön elnyerte a tetszésem. Sajnos nem tudom h mikor lesz folytatás vagy lesz?? Ha valaki ezt megválaszolná annak nagyon örülnék.: ) Előre is köszönöm szépen.: ) Puszi nektek!!! Annie- Miley hogy érted hogy lesz e 3.évad vagy hogy a második évad részei folytatódnak- e a második évadnak a 1. Forma. 1girl. 10.
Tegnap ment Amerikába.. Egyes részeket miért nem lehet megnézni??
Azt írja, hogy: This video has been removed due to infringement. Esetleg feltöltené valaki ismét? A 2.- ik évad 1. 3.- ik részét feltudnátok tenni indavideon?
Előre is köszi. Diauska. Pretty- Little- Liars- Hungary/2. Aki imádja a Pretty- t, annak ezt lájkolnia kéne ; ) zsofi.
A?? niki. 35. 20. Valaki nem tudná a részeket feltölteni más helyre is , vagy mikortól várható ,hogy újra nézhető lesz itt vmelyik link ?!! A 2x. 04.- ben láthattunk egy levelet, melyet Ian írt. A cikkben elolvashatjátok a fordítását."Én öltem meg Alison- t.
Elveszítettem az önuralmamat, mert túl sokat tudott. Annyi minden van, amit eláshatsz. Nem lesz könnyű, de tudom, hogy hogyan kell véget vetni a fájdalomnak. Nem tudok a törvénytől megmenekülni. Gyere és találj meg.
Ian"dittus_1. 32. Sziasztok! Valaki nem tudná feltölteni az utolsó 3 részt indavideóra? Mert az oldalon fent van a 1. Nagyon megköszönném! Sziasztok! Lécci valaki rakja fel rendesen az első évadot! Köszi: )Nathan. 23. Nekem is az utolsó hozzászólóhoz hasonló kérésem lenne.
Elkezdtem nézni máshol az első évadot, de a 1. Elakadtam, szóval lécci valaki tegye fel ezeket a részeket : ) Thx! Az első évad pótolva (kivéve a 1. Riri. 55. 20. 12- 0. Riri. 55: június 5.- én adják le 3x.
Riri. 55. 20. 12- 0. Pattuss. 20. 12- 0. Sziasztok! Az első évad 1. Nem tudnátok újra feltölteni vagy valami? Előre is köszi! : )Vikikee. D : (Little. Liar.
Köszi, hogy feltöltitek a részeket!^^ Már nagyon várom a 3.évadot! Június 5- én kezdődik : ))Little. Liar. 20. 12- 0. 5- 0. Annyira várom már!!!!!!!!!!! Little. Liar. 20.
Már csak 1. 7 nap van hátra! OOVattacukor: $2. Ez az évad nagy lesz *- * Csak legyen már 5- e : D *- *_b. Kíváncsi vagyok, hogy milyen lesz a 3.évad.
Anne Heche - Wikipedia. Anne Heche. Born.
Anne Celeste Heche(1. May 2. 5, 1. 96. 9 (age 4. Aurora, Ohio, U. S. Occupation. Actress, director, screenwriter.
Years active. 19. Spouse(s)Coley Laffoon (m. 2. Partner(s)Ellen De. Generes (1. 99. 7–2. Coleman Laffoon (2.
James Tupper (2. 00. Children. 2Parent(s)Donald Heche.
Nancy Heche. Anne Celeste Heche (HAYSH; born May 2. American actress, director, and screenwriter. Following a dual role in the daytime soap opera Another World (1.
Donnie Brasco (1. Volcano (1. 99. 7), Six Days, Seven Nights (1. Return to Paradise (1. In 1. 99. 8, Heche portrayed Marion Crane in Gus Van Sant's horror remake Psycho. Premiering September 2. Anne is now the series lead in the new 2.
NBC military drama The Brave. A highly publicized relationship with comedian Ellen De. Generes was followed by a significant downturn in Heche's career, although she has continued to act in numerous independent films such as Birth (2. Spread (2. 00. 9), Cedar Rapids (2. Rampart (2. 01. 1). In 2. 00. 4, Heche received a Primetime Emmy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in the Lifetime movie Gracie's Choice, and a Tony Award nomination for Best Actress in a Play for her work in Broadway's Twentieth Century. She also starred in the television series Men in Trees (2.
Hung (2. 00. 9–1. Save Me (2. 01. 3), Dig (2. Aftermath (2. 01.
Early life[edit]Heche was born on May 2. Aurora, Ohio, the youngest of five children of Nancy Heche (née Prickett) and Donald Joseph Heche.[1][2] Heche's family moved a total of eleven times during her childhood; at one point, they lived in an Amish community.[3] When asked in a 2. Larry King Live what her father's source of income was, Heche replied, "Well, he was a choir director. But I don't think he made much on that a week.
He said that he was involved in a business of gas and oil. And he said that until the day he died. But he never was involved in the business of gas and oil ever."[4] The family settled in Ocean City, New Jersey when Heche was twelve years old. Due to desperate finances, Anne went to work at a dinner theater in Swainton.[5][6] "At the time we’d been kicked out of our house and my family was holed up living in a bedroom in the home of a generous family from our church," she said.[7] "I got $1. We all pooled our money in an envelope in a drawer and saved up enough to move out after a year."[7]On March 3, 1. Heche was 1. 3, her 4.
AIDS, although he never came out as a homosexual. He was in complete denial until the day he died. We know he got it from his gay relationships.
Absolutely. I don't think it was just one. He was a very promiscuous man, and we knew his lifestyle then," Heche said on Larry King Live.[4] Despite her father being gay, Heche has claimed that he repeatedly raped her from the time she was an infant until she was 1.
When asked "But why would a gay man rape a girl?", in a 2. The Advocate, Heche replied "I don't think he was just a gay man.
I think he was sexually deviant. My belief was that my father was gay and he had to cover that up. I think he was sexually abusive.
The more he couldn't be who he was, the more that came out of him in ways that it did."[8]Three months after her father's death, Heche's 1. Nathan was killed in a car crash.[7] The official determination was that he fell asleep at the wheel and struck a tree,[1] though Heche claims he committed suicide.[9] The remainder of Heche's family subsequently moved to Chicago, where Heche attended the progressive Francis W.
Parker School. In 1. Heche was 1. 6, an agent spotted her in a school play and secured her an audition for the daytime soap opera As the World Turns. Heche flew to New York City, auditioned, and was offered a job, but her mother insisted she finish high school first.[6] Shortly before her high school graduation in 1. Heche was offered a dual role on the daytime soap opera Another World. Again I was told I couldn't go. My mother was very religious and maybe she thought it was a sinner’s world," Heche stated. But I got on the phone and said, 'Send me the ticket.
I’m getting on the plane.' I was like, 'Bye!' I did my time with my mom in a one- bedroom, skanky apartment and I was done."[7]For her work on Another World, Heche received a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actress in a Drama Series in 1. In November 1. 99. Heche made her primetime television debut in an episode of Murphy Brown.
She made her TV- movie debut the following year with a brief appearance in the Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation of O Pioneers! In 1. 99. 3, Heche made her feature- film debut in Disney's. The Adventures of Huck Finn with Elijah Wood. Over the next two years, she had small supporting roles in made- for- TV movies such as Girls in Prison (1. Kingfish: A Story of Huey P.
Long (1. 99. 5). She also appeared in the straight- to- video erotic thriller Wild Side (1. Joan Chen's lesbian lover. Watch Riot Online Facebook more. In 1. 99. 6, Heche landed her first substantial role as a college student contemplating an abortion in a segment of the made- for- HBO anthology film If These Walls Could Talk, co- starring Cher and Demi Moore.
Also in the year, she appeared opposite Catherine Keener portraying childhood best friends in the independent film Walking and Talking. The limited- release film garnered favorable reviews from critics and is number 4. Entertainment Weekly's "Top 5. Cult Films of All- Time" list.[1. Heche gained positive notice from film critic Alison Macor of Austin Chronicle, who wrote in her review that she "is destined for larger film roles".[1. She played the wife of Johnny Depp's titular FBI undercover agent character in the 1.
Donnie Brasco. The film made $1. Janet Maslin of the New York Times wrote: "[Heche] does well with what could have been the thankless role."[1. By the late 1. 99. Heche continued to find recognition and commercial success as she took on supporting roles in three other 1. Volcano, I Know What You Did Last Summer, and Wag the Dog. The disaster film Volcano, about the formation of a volcano in Los Angeles, had her star with Tommy Lee Jones and Gaby Hoffmann, playing a seismologist. While critical response towards the film was mixed, it grossed US$1.
She portrayed the minor role of a backwoods loner in the slasher thriller sleeper hit. I Know What You Did Last Summer, starring Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe, and Freddie Prinze, Jr. Despite her limited screen time in the film, Heche was considered a "standout" by some critics,[1. Variety.[1. 6] She obtained the part of a presidential advisor opposite Robert De. Niro and Dustin Hoffman in the political satire Wag the Dog, a role that was originally written for a man.[6] Budgeted at US$1. US$6. 4 million.[1.
Heche's first starring role came in the 1. Six Days, Seven Nights, where she appeared opposite Harrison Ford, portraying a New York City journalist ending up with a pilot (Ford) in a deserted island following a crash landing. She had been cast in the film one day before her same- sex relationship with Ellen De. Generes went public.[1. Although Heche was cast in a second starring role shortly thereafter as Vince Vaughn's love interest in the acclaimed drama Return to Paradise (1. De. Generes destroyed her prospects as a leading woman.[1.
According to Heche, "People said, 'You're not getting a job because you're gay' ".[2. She commented: "How could that destroy my career? I still can't wrap my head around it."[1. Six Days, Seven Nights received mixed reviews, but grossed U$S7. North America and US$1.
On her appearance in the dramatic thriller Return to Paradise, a writer for The New York Times remarked, "[..] as Ms. Heche's formidable Beth Eastern does her best to manipulate the other characters on [co- star Joaquin Phoenix's character] behalf, Return to Paradise takes on the abstract weightiness of an ethical debate rather than the visceral urgency of a thriller".[2. Heche starred in Gus Van Sant's Psycho (1.
Alfred Hitchcock.